Palm print shirt: Motel
Denim zip skirt: Motel
Pleather jacket: Daisy Street (ps there is 30% off everything at the mo ;) )
Bitch face: all mine babaaay!
Denim zip skirt: Motel
Pleather jacket: Daisy Street (ps there is 30% off everything at the mo ;) )
Bitch face: all mine babaaay!
Gosh, I have a bit of chronic bitch face going on today don’t I? I’m not miserable, promise, I do however feel like I have swallowed a kitchen knife & a handful of rusty nails so that would probably explain my not so impressed looking face…
I have been wanting an alternative to my Levi 501’s for a while now as everybody & their Mum wears them, especially around this time of year *‘like, OMG, it’s totes festival season guys, like, I totally, like am soooo indie & into bands, like where are my denim shorts & crop tops, I need to like dress like, totes boho chic with my expensivo wellies, yah yah…’’* UGH >.< plz stop… anyway back to the skirt, it has replaced my denim shorts & I’m loving it. You can’t beat a bit of asymmetric & exposed zip. Motel, you have NAILED IT once again!
As for the shirt, well, I think the shirt speaks for itself, don’t you think?!
Oh yeah & I’m guessing you all have bloglovin’ now as GFC is supposedly dying tomorrow (RIP) Soooo as my blog is actually works on there now (after months & months of trying tot sort the damn thing out >.<) you can follow me on bloglovin’ here>link
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