
Thursday, 28 May 2015


Breton stripe top: H&M
Oversized denim dungaree playsuit: Monki @ ASOS
Novelty cross over peach bag: ASOS


OK, I'll stop now!

Like the title says, I have BIG NEWS!!! I have thought long & hard about this & I am not getting rid of this space but I have changed my internet username from effiesmakeupbox to sugarpea_ after 6 years! If you follow me on social media you may already know but I wanted to tell you guys on here too!

I have started a brand new blog!!! I would be so grateful if you would go & check it out here>>link

If you want to know more about why I have made this decision read this :)

I am thankful for all of your support over the past 6 years & although this is not goodbye (I will still be blogging on here when appropriate) I would love it if you could join me (& give me a lil bloglovin' follow here) on my next venture!


I have had a crazy amount of support so far & I couldn't be happier about this fresh new move. Thank you guys for being so damn supportive! *internet hugs*

Find me on social @sugarpea_ :)

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Sunday, 15 February 2015

My boyfriend is a zombie?


So this weeks video is a bit of a fun one. Liam & I enjoyed filming together so much last time that we decided to do it again! WOOO!
As you can see from the video title, we did the zombie apocalypse tag. Give it a watch & let us know what you think of our answers!
You can subscribe to my channel here >> link


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Wednesday, 11 February 2015



As you may or may not already know, I have tattoos. Like a lot of people, I get asked a lot of questions about them & well, I thought I’d make a wee video showing you all of my tattoos ( the good & the bad) up close & personal so yeah, give it  a watch & let me know what you think.
It would be great too, if you have any questions, if you could leave them for me in the comments on here or on my YT & I will make another Q&A video & go more in depth for you :)

You can subscribe to my channel here >> link


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Tuesday, 10 February 2015



Goof faces


Hi again! I have uploaded a new video to my YouTube Channel & it would mean the WORLD if you could please watch it. I'm trying really hard to get back into the swing of blogging etc again & I have re caught the YouTube bug (aka finally got some video inspiration back.) FINALLY!

Some of you might hate the fact that I am back on YT, I know people used to give me shit for my videos, hence why I kinda stopped but you know what, screw you! I'm back & enjoying myself, talking about more than just fashion & beauty, basically just doing what I do best, goofing around!

As you can see from the above gifs, Liam & I made a video together ^_^ we had so much fun & will be doing more soon!

Let me know if there is anything you want to see on my channel, I'd love to know!

You can subscribe to my channel here >> link


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Thursday, 22 January 2015

Yay for youtube!

Wooo for YouTube


And so my journey begins I uploaded another video ^_^

I wanted to say thank you for all the great feedback you have given me on social & on my channel, you are AWESOME, THANKYOU!

For those of you that don’t know:

I have decided to re-boot my makeup & style channel with my favorite pastimes, collecting Funko Pops, My little Pony, Zelfs & all things geeky really.

Like it says in my channel banner, it's the perfect channel for virgin geek #fbloggers & on the ball nerds alike.

I just wanted to break the mould with fashion & beauty blogging, trying to showcase that even though you can be interested in those things, they are not necessarily the be all & end all of life on the internet & otherwise.

Alot of you might not be interested in my new videos, & that's fine but I wanted to make a place that likeminded people & anyone who is even slightly interested can enjoy & let you know that it's completely fine to like what you like & if you happen to be a 20 something that likes collecting figures & toys then that's a good thing!

So tune in for collections, tags, general faq's & more! :D

Let me know what you think of my first Funko Pop video! :D

You can subscribe to my channel here >> link


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What’s on my cosmic nails…#10

Dark blue: Barry M, Navy
White: Boots 17, mini skirt
Dark purple: Barry M, vivid purple
Glitter: Barry M, Hologram
I was so excited to try out ‘galaxy’ nails. I think they turned out OK. :/ They aren’t my most favourite nail design ever but, I suppose it was fun to try out a new technique. I basically just sponged colours on top of each other to make a cloudy, space like effect then added the glitter polish to look like stars. :S THEYWERESOHARDTOPHOTOGRAPH!!! :/ They look better IRL, promise. ;)

All in all, I like them but they are just alot darker than the nail colours I normally like to wear. I don’t know, I think I just miss last weeks neon green nails. Back to brights next week I think! ;)

Sunday, 18 January 2015

NEWNESS! I'm going on an adventure!

Hello fellow humans! Hope you are all having a nice Sunday ^_^
I just wanted to let you know that I did something quite exciting yesterday...


I filmed a new You Tube Video, YAAAY!

I don't know how many of you are actually excited about the concept of me talking to my camera but hey, why not give it a watch anyway & let me know what you think! It's not your usual beauty video btw, something a bit different ;) that I am REALLY excited about & hope you will be too!

Anyway, like I said, watch the video, let me know what you think & I'll speak to you soon! ^_^
