Back at the beginning of September, the lovely girls from
Glossybox got in touch with me & were kind enough to send me their September G
lossybox free of charge so that I could share it with ‘effiesmakeupbox’ readers. However, with everything that has been going on I just didn’t get chance to sort out doing a proper
Glossybox post which I feel quite bad about. Anyway, it’s obviously way too late for me to blog about the September
Glossybox now so, I thought it would be best if I reviewed Septembers ‘star product’ which is, quite obviously, the HD Brows palette.
I have seen quite a few
HD Brow palette reviews on other blogs but I thought I’d throw in my two cents anyway as I have been using it every day since I got it & I feel I have trailed it long enough to be able to show you guys how I have been using it & tell you quickly & clearly, exactly what you need to know about the
HD brows palette!

HOW I FILL IN MY EYEBROWS WITH HD BROWS:1. ‘BEFORE’. As you can see, I have nothing on my eyebrows & they are a horrible, straggly mess.
2. I start by shaping my eyebrows with ‘ASH BROWN’. As it’s the lightest, it’s the best shade to create a decent guideline without being to bold.
3. I then fill in my eyebrows with ‘WARM BROWN’ as it is the closest match my hair colour & best suits my skin tone.
4. I fill in any areas that need ‘extra shadow’ eg, the gap right under my eyebrows, with ‘CARBON’. Using a slightly darker colour makes the gap look less obvious & more natural than if I were only to use ‘ASH BROWN’ & ‘WARM BROWN’.
& wal ah! Perfectly shaped eyebrowz ;)
SHORT & SWEET, ALL YOU NEED TO KNOW ABOUT HD BROWS PALETTE:As you can see from the pictures, the formula is pretty good! It’s buildable, insanely pigmented, it blends easily, the palette doubles up as an eye shadow quad (which is fab if you’re like me & only like wearing minimal neutral eye shadow), it doesn’t look cakey (which is more than can be said for most eyebrow pencils.) & it LASTS.SO.LONG!!!
If you want to see the HD brow palette in action, just
watch my little video ;)