
Sunday, 20 May 2012

Chaos was what killed the dinosaurs, darling…

T-shirt: DIY
Hat: DIY (originally new look)
Bandeau: New Look
Shorts: Motel
Boots*: OASAP

My camera has been lagging recently, we’ve been having problems with the zoom & it can be quite difficult to get it to focus properly sometimes too. I actually really don’t like these photos much, I normally really enjoy going through the shots we take & editing them but recently it’s been so frustrating. (& it doesn’t help that my pictures go all grainy when I upload them to blogger >.<) I dunno, maybe it’s just because I’m a bit of a perfectionist when it comes to stuff like this… Gawd, I’m such a moaning Myrtle…

I watched Heathers for the first time ever last night (shocking, I know >.<) It’s such a great film, I can’t believe I’d never watched it sooner! You just can’t beat a good ol’ 80’s movie!

PS: Just to let you know, there are only a limited number of items left on janchristie's ebay account but you can see their full range on their new site>link including lots of new items!


  1. I just started following your blog, love your style and the diys!

  2. Love your d.i.y tee, would be great to see a vid on how to recreate it, and Heathers, amazing film,so quotable!

  3. Those shorts are amazing :D

  4. love this look, the DIY T is genius



  5. your outfits are always spot on!
    have a great week.

  6. Those shorts are amazing, so much want! x

  7. Love what you've done with the top! xx


  8. I really like your shorts & shirt, you look great!
